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Telling Tales - Reihaneh Golpayegani
Glitch Binary Abyss II - Elise Racine & The Bigger Picture
Women and AI - Reihaneh Golpayegani & Cambridge Diversity Fund
Ground Up and Spat Out - Janet Turra & Cambridge Diversity Fund
Who is AI Made Of - Shady Sharify
Glitch Binary Abyss I - Elise Racine & The Bigger Picture
The Two Cultures - Zoya Yasmine
Joining the Table - Yutong Liu
prediction - Yaning Wu
Turning Threads of Cognition - Hanna Barakat & Cambridge Diversity Fund
Shadow Work– Decrypting Bletchley Park’s Codebreakers - Hanna Barakat & Cambridge Diversity Fund
Pas(t)imes in the Computer Lab - Hanna Barakat & Cambridge Diversity Fund
Data Lab Dialogue - Hanna Barakat & Cambridge Diversity Fund
Analog Lecture on Computing - Hanna Barakat & Cambridge Diversity Fund
Lovelace GPU - Hanna Barakat & Cambridge Diversity Fund
Puppeteering Virtual Reality - Hanna Barakat & Cambridge Diversity Fund
Colossal Harvest - Hanna Barakat & Cambridge Diversity Fund